Friday, April 10, 2020

Who is alternative to China ?

Many among us can truly understand the
importance of freedom until it is taken away democracy may have these disadvantages but you are likely to realize its true value only when you experience living in a communist country but money profits and consumerism have a beautiful correlation and that is why regardless of the ideological differences of China many democracies across the world ended up making China their very important trade partner but now the core Nevarez may force many countries to redefine their geopolitical strategies. to no more read this report .

We in the West have a strange Prelationship with China we don't trust China but we want to do business with the country ideologically we are completely different China is a communist country and we believe in democracy not only that frequently China embraces those countries which pose a major threat to our own existence yet we have allowed ourselves to become over dependent on China however it's not only China's fault we are equally responsible our growth model is based on consumerism which means work earn and spend we need massive scale production which could cater to our high demand and consumerism driven hunger we also need big markets so that our companies could sell the products that they manufactured China ended up providing us both now this model is not going to disappear overnight but seeing what's happening in the world today and with all the doubts related to China's ethics and principles would it be wise to continue to completely rely on China but who else if not China well for long many amongst us have underestimated India but the present situation demands that we redefine our
strategies let's take a read look at India if china is the world's factory then India has been our favourite back office with all its
geopolitical and demographic advantage
India has shown that it has the capability and potential to develop the skill scale and speed that we demand India is the number-one offshoring destination in the world accounting for approximately 55% market share of the global services sourcing business India has the world's third largest startup ecosystem India is the second largest casting producer in the world it's also the second largest producer of steel and cement India real estate industry is expected to be the third largest in the world by 2030 India is already the second largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world it's the third largest producer of coal and the fourth largest producer of iron ore the country is the world's largest cutting and polishing Centre for diamonds and in 2017 it exported 75% of the world's polished diamonds in 2017 India became the fourth largest auto market it's already the largest manufacturer of 2 wheelers and tractors in the world it's the world's third largest heavy truck manufacturer and fourth largest car producer in the present scenario China may be a few years ahead of India but India has the ability to catch up China also built its infrastructure gradually and if India wants it can also do the same for us and the world the prospects of a powerful India sounds a lot less ruthless than a powerful China unlike China India doesn't have massive geopolitical ambitions expansionist policies or the dream of global conquest what's even more of a relief is that India is a democracy and with all its internal problems it will never expel or silence the journalists or whistleblowers like what happens in a
communist country our consumerism driven world needs a massive global factory and India can and should rise to the
occasion India may not want to replace China but it can reduce our over dependence on China and play a key role
in maintaining global growth if India
becomes one of the key centres of
globalization and if we invest in India. India has the potential to drive global growth and
geopolitically speaking apart from the USA if there is one nation in the entire world this is able to contain China in the long run its India China first started as a manufacturer of our products and as it gained prosperity it also became the consumer of our products now the same is happening in India yes India can be our new China even the Beijing based Chinese think tank and bound think so according to an bound China needs to seriously consider and study the rise of India's economy and India's competitive advantage India an ancient land with a growing young population is an emerging market power it's entirely possible for it to become the next China imposes great attraction to the world's capital yes the Chinese think tanks apprehensions are not unfounded and yes it's wrong to say that there's no alternative to China.


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